Welcome and Worship Guide
We're glad to have you come and be our guest at Victory Baptist Church. It's our intention to welcome you and invite you to participate in the worship service. We know that God has something in His Word that you and we alike need, and we pray that His Spirit will move on you in your specific situation. It's our hope that you meet with God and have a blessed time with us now, and, in the days to come. Please read on to discover what you can generally expect in our worship service.
During The Worship Service
We have certainly have a general flow to our services, but allow for spontaneity as God may choose. Congregational singing is part of our service and for some songs the congregation will be asked to stand (only if you're able to). Feel free to lift your voice, raise your hands, knell, and offer other God honoring expressions of praise and worship. You'll notice several prayers throughout the service, one of which proceeds the collection of the offering wherein our ushers will pass the plates. We expect that God will move in His people to where they will need to testify about His work in their life. This may be done throughout the service and our pastor asks only that one wait for a pause in the service before testifying. The reading and preaching of God's Holy Word, the Bible, is paramount in the service. The Bible has the words of life, the very Words of God. Following the biblical model of God's people we stand at the pastor's prompting as he reads an opening verse. Following the sermon the congregation is invited to respond to the preached Word as a song is played. At this time the congregation should seek God on how the message applies to them and move on it. Congregants may want to come to the alter and knell, go and pray with another person, reach out to God from their seat, or approach the preacher. The invitation is often a time of repentance and dedication, as well as an opportunity to make it known if one is yet in need of salvation, or would like to join the church. Following the invitation the pastor will typically give a benediction and ask someone to say a closing prayer.
We hold The Lord's Supper approximately 4 – 6 times a year. Anyone that has been born again/saved and baptized can partake in the supper, however, everyone partaking is encouraged to examine their self before God to ensure that the person taking the supper is not harboring sin in their heart and life, unrepentantly (1 Cor. 11: 26 – 34).
Four times a year we hold a church business meeting wherein we will tend to some necessary things. People that are not church members are welcome to stay for the meeting but will not be able to participate.
Part of the Body
In this day and time some question the necessity of being a church member. In short the Bible anticipates that the followers of Christ will be church members, as well, the church is our Lord Jesus' program for moving the gospel across the globe and edifying His people. People who have been born again/saved and partaken in believer's baptism (immersion) are eligible to join the church, given that one is not living in unrepentant sin. When someone inquires about membership it's typical for the pastor to then meet with them to go over these basic things before presenting new membership to the church.
It's my hope that you look forward to attending our worship service and being a part of it. Please contact us if you have questions or require further information. -- Pastor George Scruggs, Jr.